One obstacle I have noticed that stands between a lot of people and the flawless skin they desire are large pores, especially on their face (nose and cheeks).
Oily skin is caused by an excess of sebum which keeps the skin from drying out. This excess oil, in turn, blocks the pores and collects dead skin cells within the pores. Doing this extensively expands them and makes them appear larger than they regularly are.
While there are many different treatments to shrink pores; particularly on the face, I will be sharing with you a quick beauty hack to tackle those large pores in no time. But, understanding their causes and the effects they have on the skin is of great importance too.
There are several different reasons why large pores develop, ranging from genetics to the kinds of skincare and beauty products used on the skin. Other causes include the following:
- The skin type: People who have fair, ruddy complexions are prone to skin irritation, especially on the face. This irritation which could further cause inflammation can also cause large pores to appear. The large pores become worse with exposure to harsh sunlight, cold, and wind.
- Age: With ageing, comes less production of collagen, which causes it to become less firm and lose some of its elasticity. This can further cause sagging skin and the stretching of the skin.
- Gender and Genetics: This is another major reason or factor affecting how people develop large pores on their skin. The effects of large pores can be felt in the general surface and texture of the skin, especially on the face.
The Hack
This is an effective natural home remedy to shrink and keep those large pores in check. With this hack, you can also reduce the appearance of deep pores and remove impurities from the skin (regardless of the skin type).
You will need the following
- 1 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 tsp. Baking Soda
- 1 tsp. Lemon Juice
- Lavender Essential Oils (for sensitive skin)
- Tea Tree Oil (for acne-prone skin)
- Get a small bowl. In it, add all ingredients and mix until pasty.
- Using a cotton swab, evenly apply the mixture to nose, cheeks and other affected areas.
- After about 20 minutes, rinse the mixture off with cold water and apply a moisturizer.
- For best results, this method can be done once a week.
Deep or large pores can be very unpleasant and unattractive. This five-ingredient home remedy is a sure solution to large pores inhibiting from exploring and enjoying your full beauty and glow. It is so effective, in no time you'll be sharing its wonders with your friends. Stop delaying, beat large pores today!
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